Reopening Connecticut:
Resources for Businesses
As Connecticut prepares to reopen many of its businesses, the Chamber is committed to bringing you up-to-date and accurate information as it becomes available. Check back often for new guidelines and updates on reopening businesses.
Looking for other information? Click here to visit our COVID-19 Resource Page.
Our staff is available at any time via email and on the phone at (203) 757-0701.
Looking for other information? Click here to visit our COVID-19 Resource Page.
Our staff is available at any time via email and on the phone at (203) 757-0701.
Sector Rules for Reopen
The rules at this link apply to all Connecticut businesses and organizations and are effective March 19, 2021. Please keep in mind that it is the cumulative effects gained from social distancing, hand washing, and mask-wearing that will continue to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Businesses should take these rules as the minimum baseline of precautions needed to protect public health in Connecticut and refer to the recommended guidance by sector listed at the bottom of this page for best practices. Individual establishments should also take additional measures as recommended by industry experts or by common sense applied to their particular situation.
Vaccine Information
Eligibility, access, and support to help you get vaccinated against COVID-19. Visit the state's Vaccine webpage below to get the latest information about the Connecticut statewide rollout plan.
Interim Guidance Released on COVID Response Programs
The U.S. Small Business Administration in consultation with the U.S. Treasury Department, has released the following guidance for the "Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021".
The "Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021" (H.R.133) signed into law on December 27, 2020, enhances and expands certain provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 (the CARES Act). This legislation will provide fast and direct economic assistance for American workers, families, and small businesses, and preserve jobs for our American industries. Expanded provisions include additional relief to small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program, the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advances, and a new grant opportunity for live venues as a part of the Save Our Stages Act.
- SBA Guidance on Accessing Capital for Minority, Underserved, Veteran and Women-Owned Business Concerns (Released 1/6/2021)
- Interim Final Rule on Paycheck Protection Program as Amended by Economic Aid Act (Released 1/6/2021)
- Interim Final Rule on Second Draw Loans (Released 1/6/2021)
The "Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021" (H.R.133) signed into law on December 27, 2020, enhances and expands certain provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 (the CARES Act). This legislation will provide fast and direct economic assistance for American workers, families, and small businesses, and preserve jobs for our American industries. Expanded provisions include additional relief to small businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program, the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Advances, and a new grant opportunity for live venues as a part of the Save Our Stages Act.
- For more information and updates, visit or
Updated Guidelines
Updated guidelines for reopening businesses and events, released from the CT Department of Economic & Community Development on July 23, 2020, include the following. Click to view the updated guidelines:
These and other sector-specific updates go into effect immediately. Businesses and non-profits that have already completed the self-certification process as part of Phases 1 or 2 do not need to re-register, but must comply with any new rules for their sector. For more information, visit
- Industry-Specific Rules
- Indoor Recreation
- Outdoor Events
- Offices
- Personal Services
- Hair Salons & Barber Shops
- Retail
- Libraries
- Restaurants
- Hotels
These and other sector-specific updates go into effect immediately. Businesses and non-profits that have already completed the self-certification process as part of Phases 1 or 2 do not need to re-register, but must comply with any new rules for their sector. For more information, visit
Business Signage
As of July 1st: New "Stop the Spread" Signage Available at this link: Stop the Spread
More Signage for Download can be found here: Downloadable Signs
More Signage for Download can be found here: Downloadable Signs
Workplace signage is among the state’s May 20 requirements for all employers—CBIA has the following posters available free for you to download, print, post, and share:
- Staying Safe Together (general safety and prevention steps)
- How Do You Feel? (required notice for employee health monitoring and exposure response)
- Personal Protection Protocols (required notice about PPE use)
- Social Distancing (required notice for social distancing guidelines)
- Slow the Spread (required notice for transmission controls)
- COVID-19 Concerns? (required notice for reporting concerns)
Business Reopening Guidelines

Click Here to Access the Small Business Reopening Resource Guide. The guide includes downloadable content, financial resources, employee training and support, a geographic list of PPE suppliers, and more.
On May 9, the state Department of Economic and Community Development released the following industry sector-specific guidelines for businesses permitted to open May 20.
All businesses subject to these guidelines are encouraged to self-certify prior to May 20th. Click Here to find the self-certification form.
The May 20 phase one reopening guidelines are based on a set of safeguards, with strict controls on business operations and social interaction. These include, among other measures:
The state will monitor progress based on defined public health metrics, with safeguards and controls loosened based on that progress.
If efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus are successful, additional businesses will be permitted to open and additional leeway given to those already allowed to operate.
This process is expected to continue through September 2020.
Businesses deemed essential by the state that have been allowed to remain open must follow the Connecticut Safe Workplace Rules for Essential Employers, which were updated August 14 to include a requirement that any employee who refuses to wear a mask for medical reasons must provide their employer with documentation from a physician.
Those rules largely mirror the reopening guidelines—including requiring masks or face coverings. Essential employers are not limited to 50% onsite employee capacity.
Individual Sector Guidelines
Click Here to View the Executive Order
On May 9, the state Department of Economic and Community Development released the following industry sector-specific guidelines for businesses permitted to open May 20.
All businesses subject to these guidelines are encouraged to self-certify prior to May 20th. Click Here to find the self-certification form.
The May 20 phase one reopening guidelines are based on a set of safeguards, with strict controls on business operations and social interaction. These include, among other measures:
- Capacity limit of 50% for businesses that reopen
- Strict cleaning and disinfection protocols in all settings
- Those who can work from home should continue to do so
- Those in high-risk groups (comorbidities) and over the age of 65 should continue to stay safe and stay home
- Face masks should continue to be worn in public at all times
- Social gatherings will be restricted to a maximum of five people
The state will monitor progress based on defined public health metrics, with safeguards and controls loosened based on that progress.
If efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus are successful, additional businesses will be permitted to open and additional leeway given to those already allowed to operate.
This process is expected to continue through September 2020.
Businesses deemed essential by the state that have been allowed to remain open must follow the Connecticut Safe Workplace Rules for Essential Employers, which were updated August 14 to include a requirement that any employee who refuses to wear a mask for medical reasons must provide their employer with documentation from a physician.
Those rules largely mirror the reopening guidelines—including requiring masks or face coverings. Essential employers are not limited to 50% onsite employee capacity.
Individual Sector Guidelines
- Hair Salons and Barbershops
- Museums and Zoos (Outdoor Only)
- Offices
- Restaurants (Outdoor Only)
- Retail and Malls
Click Here to View the Executive Order
Employees Who Refuse Returning to Work
Guidance for When Employees Refuse to Return to Work
The Connecticut Department of Labor (CTDOL) and the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board (NRWIB) shared this guidance on steps to take if recalled employees refuse to return to work:
On a sheet with your company letterhead, include:
1. Employee’s name
2. Employee’s Social Security Number
3. Employee’s scheduled return date
4. Date the employee refused the job
Include your company’s name, address, phone/fax number, tax ID and Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax ID number.
Fax this information to: UI Merit Department (860) 263-6723.
With this information, the Department will schedule an eligibility hearing to determine if the claimant (employee) remains eligible for the UI benefits. Both you and the employee will receive a hearing notice / packet that must be completed and returned to the Department for such decision.
For more information, visit
The Connecticut Department of Labor (CTDOL) and the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board (NRWIB) shared this guidance on steps to take if recalled employees refuse to return to work:
On a sheet with your company letterhead, include:
1. Employee’s name
2. Employee’s Social Security Number
3. Employee’s scheduled return date
4. Date the employee refused the job
Include your company’s name, address, phone/fax number, tax ID and Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax ID number.
Fax this information to: UI Merit Department (860) 263-6723.
With this information, the Department will schedule an eligibility hearing to determine if the claimant (employee) remains eligible for the UI benefits. Both you and the employee will receive a hearing notice / packet that must be completed and returned to the Department for such decision.
For more information, visit
Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Business
Special Mask Offer for Members

Thanks to the generosity of Barker Specialty Company, Waterbury Regional Chamber members can now protect employees with affordable face masks and simultaneously support the Chamber!
Barker is offering Waterbury Chamber members boxes of 50 masks at $0.99 per mask (only $49.50 + tax per box) with a ONE BOX MINIMUM ORDER AND…. $10 from each box sale will be donated to the Waterbury Regional Chamber
To order, email your desired quantity with promo code WRC-MASKS to [email protected] and you will receive an order confirmation email with secure credit card link.
Masks can be picked up at 27 Realty Drive, Cheshire, CT or shipped for additional $9.99 charge.
Barker is offering Waterbury Chamber members boxes of 50 masks at $0.99 per mask (only $49.50 + tax per box) with a ONE BOX MINIMUM ORDER AND…. $10 from each box sale will be donated to the Waterbury Regional Chamber
To order, email your desired quantity with promo code WRC-MASKS to [email protected] and you will receive an order confirmation email with secure credit card link.
Masks can be picked up at 27 Realty Drive, Cheshire, CT or shipped for additional $9.99 charge.